Trusted by 2000+ companies across the globe
Online Skill Assessment Tool
Create your own test or choose from our ready-to-use skill tests to recruit talented employees. We have 100s of pre-designed employment assessment tests on SkillRobo. They are custom-made based on job description and questions are created by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from around the globe. Explore our test libraries to get started right away.

What is Skillrobo?
Skillrobo is an online pre-employment skills assessment tool that helps create customized tests for testing and hiring candidates for specific skill sets.
Create your own test and set your preferred difficulty of questions
Varied types of tests for experts in BPOs, IT sector, KPOs, automobile industry and many more
Questions are delivered in an engaging and interactive online environment
Upload test scores directly to your HR evaluation system to shortlist candidates
In-depth analysis of each test and detailed reporting helps you customize questions accordingly
Hiring candidates made easy
Shortlist and hire highly skilled candidates
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SEYARC – Our AI Test Generator
Create Tests Automatically
SEYARC (AI powered bot) AI assist feature auto generates skill and test creation. Skills that are not included in the SkillRobo library can be added easily with SEYARC
Use SEYARC to generate tests automatically for specific roles
Embed specific test questions and skills for the role
Customize skill sets according to role requirements