Digital marketing skills

Digital marketing has evolved in several ways over the past decade to make a stronger connection with audiences and make business successful. According to the latest Social media marketer statistics, B2B organizations utilize several content marketing technologies like analytics tools (88%), email marketing software (78%), and content creation and collaboration (56%). Companies adopting digital marketing strategies need to recruit specialists like content marketing managers, SEO analysts, content developers, etc. to create a successful content marketing plan. Including a digital marketing skills assessment test in the recruitment process helps find the right candidates for each of these roles.

Roles in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a dynamic, fast-growing, and vast field that throws open several job opportunities. Each role in digital marketing helps the organization develop the right digital marketing skills and strategies. The key roles in digital marketing are developed for creating strong and innovative marketing strategies based on SEO, SEM, PPC, and other techniques. Some of the roles in digital marketing include:

1. Digital marketing executive: A digital marketing executive is tasked with planning, executing, and monitoring online marketing strategies for the organization. They are also in charge of maintaining and supplying the content for the company website. They also track the website traffic flow and provide internal reports regularly.

2. Digital marketing manager: Getting the word about your brand out into the digital space is the main responsibility of a digital marketing manager. Developing, implementing, and managing marketing campaigns, driving website traffic, and acquiring leads are other responsibilities.

3. Search engine optimizer: The search engine optimizer also known as the SEQ executive is responsible for conducting on-site and off-site analysis of clients from various industries, using Google Analytics to compile performance reports, stay updated on Google’s search algorithm, and conduct keyword research as per the latest strategies.

4. Social media marketing expert: Social media marketing expert combines marketing and social media management to enhance the company’s social media presence, promote the brand’s engagement content, and expand opportunities to increase revenue.

5. Conversion rate optimizer: As the name suggests a conversion rate optimizer optimizes online conversion rate. They are responsible for testing and measuring the performance of CTAs, optimizing marketing conversion paths, collaborating with social media, email, and blogging teams, and increasing qualified marketing leads and conversion rates for the sales team.

6. Search engine specialist: A search engine specialist’s work is targeted toward increasing the number of leads and clicks, keyword research and analysis, and ad copywriting. Other responsibilities include tracking, reporting, and analyzing websites, managing the expense and budgeting of marketing campaigns, and estimating monthly marketing costs.

7. Inbound marketing manager: Attracting traffic and qualified prospects, and converting them into customers and leads is the main responsibility of the inbound marketing manager. Creating, managing, and executing multi-channel marketing campaigns by leveraging inbound marketing strategies is also within the scope of work of an inbound marketing manager.

8. Content marketing manager: Managing blog marketing campaigns, guest blogging, eBook publications, email communications, sales page copywriting, and video marketing are part of the content marketing manager’s responsibilities. Creating, editing, and improving video content that the audience is looking for, including video editing techniques to enhance engagement, and optimizing the path to conversion.

Must have the Skills of a Content Manager

Digital marketing is a popular marketing strategy that brands need to engage in if they wish to compete for leads, long-term customers, and conversions. The content marketing manager takes care of the digital content for the brand. From marketing blogs to guest blogging to eBook publications – any content about the brand’s digital presence is taken care of by the content marketing manager.

The key skills that a content marketing manager must have are:

Research and writing skills:

A content marketing manager must have strong writing and research skills. Writing is the foundational skill for any content manager and good writing requires language proficiency and communication skills. Communicating the idea through clear and concise text is important in content marketing. Researching skills are equally important in content marketing. Content development must be based on solid research around the topic.

Communication skills:

Strong verbal and written communication skills help in better coordination with the team, clear communication of ideas to peers and superiors, and enhanced communication with the target audience.

Tech Savvy:

A content marketing manager must be updated about the latest technological trends in the industry. They should be able to use technology to deliver mobile-friendly content that is usable and easily understandable.

Analytical and Logical Reasoning:

Content marketing managers need to make data-driven decisions on the effectiveness of their campaigns. They should be able to track and measure the effect that content has on the audience by analyzing the data logically.

Organized and assertive:

Content managers must be able to juggle between several tasks and issues that are part of their everyday routine.

Evaluating Skills of Content Manager

The decision to hire a content marketing manager is a significant one. Holistic evaluation of job-related skills and personality traits is required in the hiring process. Content marketing manager skills assessment tests are useful tools in the pre-employment hiring step. Content skills assessment tests, digital marketing skills tests, communication tests, and psychometric tests together make up an effective test for the role of a digital content marketing manager.

SkillRobo is an online pre-employment skills assessment test that offers customized skill assessments for various roles across industries. The digital marketing skills assessment test and content marketing manager skills assessment are customized for evaluating the skills for digital marketing roles.


Digital marketing is here to stay. Companies that embrace a digital content marketing strategy need to hire the best talent for the success of their marketing campaigns. SkillRobo provides fully customizable tests that can effectively screen candidates for key roles and skills across industries. Empower your hiring strategy with the digital marketing skills assessment test and content marketing manager skills assessments from SkillRobo.

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