According to recent research, a corporate job post receives 250 resumes. For around 4 open positions at a given point in time, the recruitment team needs to sift through 1000 profiles to find the right fit.
Assuming the average time spent on evaluating a profile is 5 minutes, the hiring team spends an average of 83 hours just to go through prospective profiles for 4 job roles! Now that’s a lot of man-hours spent on a single step of the recruitment process.
Using pre-employment testing software saves the hiring team a significant amount of time and also streamlines the hiring process.
Top 15 Talent Assessment Tools that will Step Up your Hiring Strategy for 2024
Wearing many hats! If there is any department that fits this description, then it has to be the human resources department in any organization. From talent acquisition to compensation management to performance appraisals to employee benefits management – the list goes on. Talent acquisition among these functions plays a crucial role in building the talent pool and the overall organizational culture.
Talent acquisition must be supported with the right talent assessment tools in order to build a productive and efficient workforce. This blog explores deeply talent management assessment tools, the need for assessment tools for talent management, and the 15 best talent assessment tools that you must consider for your hiring strategy in 2024.
Components of Talent Assessment
Talent acquisition is a critical part of the company’s hiring strategy. The hiring manager must have in place a solid acquisition strategy supported by the right talent assessment tool in order for the right talent to be hired.
Candidates who are hired through a talent assessment test are a better fit for the role. Talent assessment methods are crucial in the hiring process, they provide an accurate indication of whether candidates can perform well and also whether they fit well into the company’s culture.
When we talk about talent assessment tools, most often we consider them as part of the hiring process alone. However, talent assessment tools can also be used to evaluate the skills and capabilities of existing employees in order to identify the skill gaps.
The capabilities of employees can be accurately assessed with the help of talent assessment tools. This data can be compared with the current skill levels in the market for the role to identify the skill gap. Training programs can be designed to close these skill gaps so that the organization’s talent pool is on par with current market trends.
So, what does talent assessment entail?
In simple terms, it assesses the skill level of candidates for the role that they are being considered for. Talent assessment can also be conducted to evaluate the skill level of employees, in order to ascertain the skill gaps. Identification of these skill gaps and organizing the right training and development programs to bridge these gaps is critical to organizational growth.
Coming back to talent assessment during the hiring process. Consider the following scenario – you have 2 candidates who seem like a good fit for the role in discussion. Both have strong resumes and are both qualified academically. Their experience levels are also more or less the same. Given these similarities and suitabilities, choosing one of these candidates may seem challenging without the right tool. Using talent management assessment tools would come in handy in making the right hiring decision.
The concept of talent assessment is not alien to the HR teams. Talent management assessment has been ingrained into the fabric of recruitment for over 5 decades now. Recruitment teams have used talent assessments to ascertain whether the candidate is a good fit, both in terms of skills and culture fit, for the organization. Talent assessment comes in handy when you have to skim through hundreds of profiles for a particular role. Assessment of talent when done via software tools is more objective than conventional assessments like interviews or profile screening.
Talent assessment is the first step in the hiring process. It helps weed out the profiles that do not fit the role by evaluating the candidate on their technical skills, behavioral and cognitive abilities, and integrity. Each type of assessment has useful applications depending on the role and objective of the assessment.
For roles that require a good amount of soft skills in addition to technical skills, behavioral and integrity-based assessments are more relevant. Cognitive assessments on the other hand gauge the learning aptitude of the candidates. Talent assessments play a key role in determining the right fit for a particular role in the organization.
Types of Talent Assessment
There are several types of assessments available in the market, each test evaluating a specific aspect of the candidate’s skill. A candidate may be evaluated with the help of one or more tests, according to the role. Here are the types of talent assessments based on the type of skill that they evaluate –
1. Verbal reasoning tests
Verbal reasoning is a type of cognitive aptitude test that determines the candidate’s ability to understand and interpret written/spoken information. To work efficiently in the workplace, cognitive abilities like verbal reasoning are a must. Sound verbal reasoning abilities help candidates to process the vast amount of information they receive on a daily basis. Most of the information exchanged at workplaces will be in written or verbal format. High-performance candidates will be equipped to deal with verbal information, decision-making, problem-solving, and overall task performance in the workplace.
2. Numerical reasoning tests
Assessment of numerical reasoning is another type of cognitive aptitude test that underpins a person’s ability to understand and interpret numerical/quantitative information. Any role in a quantitative field that involves highly professional, technical, or managerial work, requires numerical reasoning skills. As more organizations rely on data and analytics for making critical business decisions, numerical reasoning ability is one of the most sought-after abilities in the workplace.
3. Inductive reasoning tests
Inductive reasoning is also among the cognitive abilities that a candidate needs to possess to work in a creative role. This ability measures the person’s ability to think logically and solve abstract problems. Inductive reasoning skills are essential for persons working in highly technical roles that require creativity, innovation, or systems-based thinking. These assessments are often combined with verbal and numerical reasoning tests to get an overall measure of the general cognitive ability of the candidate. Combined together, these 3 cognitive tests give the hiring team a good idea of the candidate’s performance on the job.
4. Personality questionnaires
Personality assessments are specifically designed to measure a wide range of behavioral constructs that throw light on the person’s character and temperament. These tests allow employers to measure the key performance indicators, which are shown as essential workplace training through academic research. Personality questionnaires are specifically predictive of contextual performance, which are indicators that contribute to organizational performance. This type of assessment is usually used in combination with other talent assessments, particularly cognitive ability tests.
5. Situational judgment tests
Situational judgment tests (SJTs) are behavioral assessments that are specifically designed to evaluate the judgment and decision-making abilities of individuals in the workplace. They present candidates with a hypothetical workplace-relevant scenario and provide a list of multiple actions that they could take to handle the situation.
The candidate is then required to either rank the effectiveness or rate the options. The manner in which the candidate ranks them allows organizations to evaluate the quality of their judgments. SJTs are not like other types of assessments that are general and role-agnostic, they are directly related to the role.
6. Work samples
This is a rather simple way of assessing candidates, where they submit a work sample. The work sample is closely related to the job they applied for. For example, an SEO specialist could be asked to conduct keyword research for a specific topic, accountants could be asked to apply a few formulas, and a developer may be asked to write a short piece of code. Work samples have been known to be the most effective in assessing job performance. This type of assessment makes it easy to gauge the ability to do specific work first-hand.
The important part is to ensure that work samples are not extensive and that the candidates feel that they are working for free. Clarity is essential here, communicating with the candidate about the purpose of this work sample and that it would not be used for business purposes is essential. Moreover, the work sample must be closely related to the position they are applying to, this way it helps them understand the role better and how much they’d like it.
7. Job simulations
One of the popular approaches during interviews is to simulate job scenarios and evaluate the candidate on how he/she responds. For instance, the interview question for a salesperson hiring could be “Can you sell me this pen?”. Their persuasion skills and ability to think on their feet are evaluated with this simulation question. This is similar to work samples, only that this evaluates on-the-spot response. A job simulation can also be done during the interview or via online hiring assessment tools.
8. AI-powered video interviews
The idea of an interview is totally different now, thanks to video calling technology. The candidates can take up interviews from the comfort of their homes. Asynchronous interviews have gained popularity among hiring teams across the globe owing to the convenience of conducting and attending them. In this type of interview, the candidate needs to record answers to questions and the interviewers can evaluate the answers at their convenient time.
Apart from their convenience, AI technology has turned them into talent assessment tools. AI technology introduces face-scanning algorithms that help assess the candidate’s tone, choice of words, and other factors that help determine if that person is fit for the job. The downside of AI-powered interviews is the built-in biases and doubts about the ability of the software to analyze expressions to predict job performance.
9. Job trials
This is a tried and tested way of gauging the candidate’s ability to perform certain duties and how they fit into the team. Candidates work for a day or two at an agreed-upon pay rate, which helps the employer gauge their suitability, and also the candidate can decide if they fit the role. The downside is that job trials are not possible for every profession and role.
For roles like machinists, production supervisors, or pipefitters, job trials work out fine. Other limitations of this type of talent assessment are that it will consume a few hours of the hiring team’s working day, and some candidates may not be able to attend job trials as they would be employed elsewhere at the time of assessment. The best way to leverage job trials is to conduct it only on finalists for the role.
10. Gamification
This is one of the latest entries into talent assessments. Employers use online tools that have been specifically developed for judging candidates through games. The best time and way to use these tools is at the beginning of the hiring process. The effectiveness of these talent assessments varies as per the form of assessment.
The game or activity-based assessment can also be conducted in person in the form of group discussions or debates. Sometimes, candidate evaluation via group discussion may result in biases. But letting them win a hackathon or other small competitions might yield more objective results. The best way is to experiment and fine-tune in gamification assessments.
11. Skill assessments
This type of talent assessment is directly related to the skill required to perform the role. Unlike other types of talent assessments, skill assessments evaluate hard and measurable abilities. For example, a candidate applying for a software development position is given a skill assessment that evaluates the candidate’s knowledge of programming knowledge.
12. Structured face-to-face interviews
The traditional face-to-face interviews still hold sway in the hiring process. In-person interviews are highly effective predictors of workplace performance and also help evaluate candidate’s behavior as well. Research suggests that they are the second most effective indicator of candidate performance in the hiring process. The only downside is that in-person interviews cannot scale up the way other talent assessment tools do. As a result, growing organizations that need to handle large hiring volumes are relying less on face-to-face interviews for talent assessment.
Need for Talent Assessment Tools
Why do you need a talent assessment tool?
A talent assessment test is highly useful in the hiring process. To recruit a candidate for a role, the hiring team has to sift through 100s of profiles. Not all profiles give the true picture of the candidate’s capabilities. Going through each profile manually is a painstaking process that is prone to errors and overlooks. Manual processing of profiles often results in talented candidate profiles slipping through the cracks.
What are the other reasons for using talent assessment tools?
Eliminates the need for multiple assessment vendors
A talent assessment tool enables organizations to handle all assessments through a single platform. There is no need for separate contracts, vendor negotiations, and multiple integration processes.
Brings consistency to the evaluation process
Talent acquisition assessment tools help establish standardized assessment protocols and apply them uniformly across various roles and departments. This reduces biases and enhances the objectivity of the evaluation process.
Provides access to diverse assessments
A talent management tool provides a diverse array of assessments that align with various job requirements in organizations. When you use evaluations specific to the job/role, you gain meaningful insights into the candidate’s capabilities and make informed hiring decisions.
Provides flexibility and scalability
Manual hiring processes have limited scalability and flexibility, especially for large-scale recruitment. As the organization’s needs evolve and new roles emerge, the need for a flexible and scalable talent assessment solution becomes imperative. Online talent assessment tools provide the flexibility, scalability, and adaptability that help hiring teams keep up with the increasing scale of hiring and allow teams to integrate new assessments or modify existing ones.
Provides robust analytics and reporting capabilities
Gathering assessment reports on a candidate’s performance can be tedious and time-consuming when done manually. When the scale of hiring is large, it becomes quite impossible to get real-time reports and analytics for each candidate. Talent assessment software aggregates assessment data from various providers and presents it via a unified dashboard. Hiring managers gather holistic insights into candidate performance with real-time reports and analytics. Talent management and assessment is a breeze with a talent assessment tool.
What are Talent Assessment Tools?
With so many types of talent assessment methods available, it is quite a challenge to zero in on the right talent assessment tool for your organization. What is a talent assessment tool? Talent assessment tools or talent assessment software automates the candidate screening process.
An AI-based talent assessment tool like Skillrobo revolutionizes the way the hiring process unfolds. Such advanced talent assessment tools transform the way companies assess and shortlist candidates, by bringing an objective and data-driven approach to finding the ideal match for the role.
Online talent assessment tools include a wide array of assessments like behavior, personality, cognitive skills, integrity, and job-related skills. You get all these assessments in a single talent assessment platform. The tests can be customized as per the skills required for the role. An AI talent assessment tool like Skillrobo allows users to create tests by combining different skills required for the role.
A well-conducted talent assessment test helps employers make informed and unbiased hiring decisions. The goal of talent assessment is to determine if the candidate is a good fit for the specific role within the organization. It enables employers to choose candidates whose skills and values match the company’s values, culture, and job criteria.
Traditional hiring practices rely heavily on resumes, interviews, and references, but they may not completely grasp a candidate’s skills and potential for future success. Using modern talent assessment tools like Skillrobo provides a more precise and evidence-based method for hiring.
These tools help gather important information about the candidate’s cognitive capabilities, personality traits, job-specific skills, and behavioral tendencies. This data allows recruiters and hiring managers to find the right fit for the role.
The right talent assessment tool helps you accurately evaluate your candidate’s preparedness for a specific role by assessing their hard and soft skills, potential, and knowledge. These assessments go beyond traditional resumes or interviews, by providing comprehensive evaluation of all the skills.
These assessment tools and methods are diverse, and choosing the right one depends on the recruitment needs of the organizations. Most of the available options enable hiring teams to conduct assessments online or offline based on the specific job or role, hiring requirements, and the method or tool that is chosen. Online assessment tools allow you to move forward with the hiring process more quickly and effectively.
Implementing a Talent Assessment Framework
Once the choice has been made on the talent assessment tool, the next step is to create a talent assessment framework. A well-planned talent assessment framework is essential for the successful implementation of the talent assessment software. The following steps are essential for the talent assessment framework –
Assess the business needs
You need to consider all the roles within the organization for which you need to hire persons. When you have complete details on the roles within the organization, you will be in a position to choose the right talent assessment program.
Examine how the talent assessment process can assist with gauging the competencies of each candidate. Not all companies are the same, if one approach has worked for one organization, it doesn’t mean that it will produce the same results for your organization too. What matters is whether or not the talent assessment solution meets the unique needs and objectives of your organization.
Define the objectives for the talent assessment process
What is the main purpose of implementing a talent assessment tool? Is it to ease out the tedious manual steps in hiring? Do you need a talent assessment tool that improves diversity in the workplace? Does your team need the tool to identify talented and knowledgeable candidates? Consider your specific organizational objectives before developing the talent assessment process.
Choose appropriate assessments
The talent assessment tools must be closely aligned with your organizational goals. The reliability usefulness, and possible disadvantages of each type of assessment must also be taken into account while choosing the talent assessment software. If one type of test does not fulfill all your needs, you may combine multiple types for a holistic assessment of the candidate.
Set the expectations clear
Setting expectations clear before choosing the talent assessment solution is a must for the success of implementation. You need to have a buy-in from the hiring team before implementing the solution. Explain clearly how the talent assessment process works to the entire team and help them use the tool effectively and use the results effectively. Also setting expectations for candidates ensures that they understand why and how their abilities are being examined.
Administer the assessments
Identify the candidates first and then provide each candidate with the right type of assessment. Administering the relevant skill questions for each candidate promotes positive branding for your organization. To ensure equality and fairness, you need to standardize these tests.
Review the test results
Analysis of each candidate’s test performance is a must in making the right hiring decision. Most online talent assessment software provides instant reports and analytics on the test performance to the hiring team. The performance of each candidate must be examined in an objective manner so that bias is eliminated in the evaluation process. In skill assessments that span multiple sections, the talent assessment tool provides section-wise results for each candidate, so that the hiring team can clearly understand their strengths and areas for improvement.
Follow up with candidates
It is a healthy practice to communicate the results of the test with the candidate, no matter how well or how badly they fared in the assessment. Provide candidates with the results of the talent assessment so they know their skill levels.
The results of the talent assessment test must be correlated along with the experience and academic qualification of the candidate, and with the interview results, in order to get a complete picture of the candidate’s skills and capabilities. Such a holistic approach to candidate evaluation ensures that the candidate is not only a fit for the role, but also fits well into the organization’s vision and culture.
Examine the candidate’s feedback
The success of the talent assessment tool is partly determined by the candidate’s experience while taking the test. Assess the results of the assessments by considering the successes and shortcomings. Decide on what you need to improve and fine-tune the assessments as required. Most of the online talent assessments come with a high degree of flexibility and customization that enables hiring managers to make adjustments as the case may be.
For example, you could verify if the assessment was easy to use and understand by the candidate, whether the questions were clearly worded, or whether there were any repeated questions, etc. Based on the feedback, you can edit the assessments. While you make these changes, it is important that these are documented so that the team will understand why these changes were made.
Ways to Leverage Talent Assessment Tools
While there are plenty of talent assessment types and methods available for the hiring team, it is important that they understand the relevance and suitability of each type so that they can be leveraged effectively. Let us take examples of talent assessments and how to assess their relevance for an effective hiring process.
1. Work samples
This is a straightforward method to assess the skills of the candidate that are relevant to the job/role for which they are being considered. Work samples are relatively resource-intensive because you need to request samples, manage files or links, and have someone from the relevant team to go through the sample and validate it. Work samples offer tangible insight into a candidate’s actual work. Consider the following points while handing out a work sample assessment.
- Job/role relevance is of great importance for effective evaluation via work samples. The sample requested must be directly related to the tasks the candidate will be performing in the role. Choose samples that touch upon a variety of skills.
- Respect the candidate’s time and effort while choosing the topic for the work sample. Take into consideration the time and effort that they need to put into preparing the sample. The task shouldn’t be over demanding nor should it be too simple. Providing clear instructions on the work sample is also equally important.
- Ethical and confidentiality considerations are extremely important in this type of assessment. Be wary while requesting work that may involve confidential or proprietary information pertaining to previous employers. One way to maintain confidentiality is to evaluate the work samples anonymously.
- Maintaining standardization and fairness while conducting the evaluation is important to get the best results. All candidates must be asked for similar samples to maintain a level playing field. The evaluation criteria too must be clear and fair so that subjective biases are avoided.
- Legal compliance with employment laws is a must. The sample work given must not be categorized as unpaid labor. Also, ensure that the process does not discriminate against any group.
- A constructive feedback mechanism must be in place while assessing work samples. Use candidate feedback as a mechanism to gain insights into the candidate’s receptiveness to criticism and willingness to learn.
2. Job simulations
Job simulations are usually used during the final stages of hiring, mostly along with interviews. In order to accurately assess the skills by way of job simulation, you might need the help of the future manager or team lead. Here are the key considerations while using job simulations for talent assessments.
- Relevance to the job/role is important for successful evaluation via a job simulation. Ensure that the simulation closely aligns with the actual tasks and challenges of the job/role. Adapting different simulations for different roles is a good hiring practice.
- Clarity in communicating the instructions and objectives of the evaluation ensures the best results. Any ambiguity can confuse the candidates and mar the results.
- Bring in standardization and fairness by standardizing the instructions, time limit, and assessment criteria. Be wary of the elements that might induce a bias and adjust the simulation to accommodate candidates from varied backgrounds.
- Ethical and legal implications around the job simulations are an important factor to consider. Avoid simulations that require candidates to provide free work or ideas that the company could use commercially without compensation.
- Feedback and development – Provide candidates with feedback after the simulation, which gives them useful insights into their performance and areas for improvement. The results of simulation tests can be used to assess the suitability for the role and also identify areas for future development and training.
3. One-way video interview software
Asynchronous video interviews have risen in popularity over the past decade. One-way interview software helps you save time and optimize the interview process. These interviews give you insights into the candidate’s thinking, behavior, communication, and job preparedness. Here are the key considerations while conducting one-way interviews.
- Setting clear instructions and expectations at the start of the process ensures a smooth interview process. Instructions must be given on how to use the video interview platform and related technical requirements.
- The accessibility of technology and technical support required must be considered for each candidate before scheduling the interview. Consider the accessibility to technology for each candidate, because some of them may not have access to high-speed internet or advanced recording equipment.
- Consider the candidate’s experience and comfort while scheduling the interview. You need to bear in mind that some candidates may get nervous or feel intimidated while attending video interviews. It is good practice to allow practice questions or a test recording that allows candidates to ease out before the interview.
- Privacy and data security considerations are paramount in this type of talent assessment. The video interview platform must comply with data privacy laws and regulations. You must also clearly communicate to candidates the usage, storage, and protection of their responses during the interview.
- Feedback and candidate engagement during and after the interview is also an important factor to consider. Use the opportunity to ask candidates how their interview process was so that you can use the feedback to continuously improve the experience.
4. Online skill assessments
Online talent assessment tools have become popular over the past decade, thanks to the ease with which they can be conducted. Not just the convenience, but the accuracy and customization that these tools provide make them popular. Key considerations while conducting online assessments.
- Relevance to the job specificity is a must. The skills being evaluated must be directly related to the job role. You can tailor assessments to suit specific skills and competencies required for the job.
- Clarity of instructions and expectations makes the assessment more effective. Providing clear and concise instructions for completing the assessment improves candidate’s experience.
- Ensuring accessibility and inclusivity is vital for the success of online talent assessment. The testing platform must be accessible to everyone and not discriminate against any particular group of people. You must consider language barriers and provide translations wherever applicable.
Advantages of Using Talent Assessment Tools
So what do you gain from using talent assessment tools? To start with, these tools improve the effectiveness of the hiring process. Here are other areas where talent assessment tools can be helpful –
- Reduces the time to hire candidates by optimizing the talent assessment and hiring strategy.
- Saves resources by combining multiple hiring steps into a single talent assessment platform.
- Predicts future performance accurately with the help of AI-driven talent tools.
- Helps make data-driven decisions and eliminates bias by introducing objective assessments.
- Identifies skill gaps in existing employees, which in turn helps the HR team design relevant training programs to bridge the gap.
- Promote employee engagement and development by effectively identifying individual strengths and areas of improvement.
- Improves workforce mobility by identifying transferable skills of employees, potential for different roles, and readiness for promotion.
- Boosts efficiency of the hiring process by streamlining and automating tedious and repetitive steps in the process.
How to Choose the Best Talent Assessment Solution
Now, we come to another important part of talent management assessment tools, how to choose the right one! There are several useful talent assessment tools available in the market, each of them catering to different hiring needs. Here are a few tips to make the right choice of talent assessment tools.
Do extensive vendor research – Given the plethora of talent assessment tools available in the market, each one specializing in different aspects of candidate assessment, making a decision can be challenging. Filtering criteria while choosing the right tool should include –
- Customizability
- Transparent pricing options
- Test libraries with myriads of questionnaires
- Support for multiple languages
1. Implementing testing responsibly
It is imperative to conduct assessments that are relevant to the role you are recruiting for. For example, if you are recruiting for managerial roles, then look for personality-based assessments. Choose the test according to the skill requirement of the role.
2. Mobile-friendliness
The rampant use of smartphones and other devices mandates the mobile-friendliness of talent assessment software. Candidates can take the test from their own devices at a convenient place and time when the talent assessment software is mobile-friendly. The test must be accessible from any device – Android or iOS
3. Seamless integration
The talent assessment tool must seamlessly integrate with other hiring tools that you are currently using, like the applicant tracking system (ATS). This ensures the hitch-free transfer of test results into the applicant tracking system. The integration feature makes the hiring process more efficient and saves the hiring team valuable time and energy.
4. Reporting and analytics
The main reason why hiring managers go for talent assessment tools is for the convenience of test administration and a holistic view of candidate performance. The talent assessment solution must provide instant reports and analytics on the performance of the candidate in each section of the test. Armed with this information, managers can make data-driven hiring decisions quickly and accurately.
5. AI-driven assessments
The talent assessment tool must provide AI-powered expert evaluations supported by a broad assessment library. This empowers hiring teams with precise and deep insights into the skills and capabilities of candidates.
Why is Skillrobo the Best Talent Assessment Software?
While we talk about effective and robust talent assessment tools, Skillrobo tops the list! No, we are not beating our own drums here. Whether it is AI-based talent assessment extensive skill library competitive pricing, or insane levels of customization – Skillrobo ticks all the boxes. Powered by ARIV (AI-powered test generator) technology, this talent assessment software helps hire skilled and capable candidates for diverse roles across diverse industries. Companies across the globe trust Skillrobo with the entire hiring process. Here are the key features that make Skillrobo the most sought-after talent assessment tool.
- ARIV – AI-powered test generator that automatically creates tests, making the job of recruiters easy
- Insane levels of customization that allow recruiters to add specific skills and questions
- Inbuilt skills library and assessment tests that span diverse industries and roles
- Live proctoring that allows recruiters to invigilate candidates remotely
- Instant reporting and analytics ensure recruiters are intimated about the test performance immediately
- Upon test completion, the tool provides 3 suggestions- “Not go Ahead”, “Proceed with Caution” or “ Go Ahead” – based on the candidate’s performance
Top 15 Talent Assessment Software for 2024
Talent assessment tools have become an integral part of the recruitment process in several organizations. With plenty of options to choose from, the decision on the right talent assessment solution holds the key to successful hiring. We have curated a list of top 15 talent assessment tools from which you can choose the one that suits the unique requirements of your organization.
1. Skillrobo
Skillrobo is definitely an all-rounder among talent assessment solutions! Powered by the AI test generator, Skillrobo is capable of generating tests as per specific skill requirements of the role. Hire skilled and talented candidates by creating your own test or choose from the extensive ready-to-use skill tests provided in Skillrobo. There are more than a hundred pre-designed employment assessment tests in this talent assessment software. All test questions are created by subject matter experts.
Key Features
- Fully customizable tests
- Wide range of skill tests
- Engaging and interactive questions
- Enterprise integration
- Analytics and Reporting
Offers 4 pricing plans – Happy plan at $99 per month; Joy plan at $199 per month; Bliss plan available at custom pricing; and Nirvana plan at $299 which is one time.
2. Mercer Mettl
This is an all-in-one talent assessment tool that offers online psychometric tests for recruiters to evaluate an individual’s behavior and mental competencies objectively. All the tests have been curated by subject matter experts from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. There are over 200 ready-to-use talent assessments created by SMEs.
- Offers AI and human-based proctoring features
- Supports 20+ languages
You can get personalized pricing as per the requirements of your organization.
3. Testlify
This talent assessment tool is especially useful for startups and small businesses in making decisions on hiring technical talent. Each test can be customized based on the job skills and unique questions that are prepared by experts for each applicant. This tool provides benchmarked scores for a variety of assessments and ensures that all qualified candidates are promoted to the next round of the hiring process.
- More than 1200 test templates
- White label feature
- Multiple question types
- Customizable tests
Testlify offers different pricing plans ranging from start-up to high-volume hiring. The pricing plan starts from $ 19.
4. Coderbyte
This is a robust screening tool that offers great accuracy and a positive candidate experience. This tool offers flexible pricing and is a cost-effective solution for startups and small-medium sized businesses.
- Technical assessments
- Customizable templates
- Real-time code
- Pay-per candidate plans
Pricing – The pricing plan starts at $199 per month.
5. BarRaiser
This talent assessment tool bridges the gap between talent and opportunity by offering validation of an applicant’s capabilities. BarRaiser also offers structured interviews that make fair evaluations of the competencies and cultural fit of the candidate.
- Interview assistant
- Candidate scorecard
- Smart scheduling
- Interviewer training
- Feedback tool
Pricing – A quote can be requested from their website.
6. Criteria Corp
This talent assessment tool enables objective recruitment by endorsing evidence-based decision-making. Criteria Corp uses multidimensional data to arrive at objective hiring decisions. This is a comprehensive solution that assesses technical skills among other details like emotional intelligence and personality.
- Scientifically designed test questions
- ATS integration
- Long-term retention
- Talent assessment and management
- Structured interviewing
Pricing – Pricing quote can be requested on the website
7. Codility
This talent assessment tool helps large companies and enterprises hire skilled engineers at scale, remotely. Codility guides hiring teams with all the information needed for unbiased scoring and data-driven decisions.
- Hiring high-performing engineering candidates
- Anti-plagiarism tool kit
- Online coding tests
- Gamified recruitment
- Data protection compliant
Pricing – A quote can be requested on their website
8. Eightfold AI
This is a talent intelligence platform for large companies and enterprises. Eightfold AI is effective for managing your network of technical talent and matching those with skill sets to a role that is the best fit. Employers can build and retain a diverse workforce by using market data to identify top performers.
- Skills driven approach
- AI-powered talent intelligence
- Talent management
- Development opportunities
- Workforce exchange
Pricing – A quote for a talent management solution can be requested from the website.
9. DevSkiller
DevSkiller is a talent management platform that is used for finding the best developers for specific IT roles. This tool reduces unconscious bias with the use of AI test scoring and automates the process to reduce the time of hire.
- Talent management
- Technical talent acquisition
- Skills management
- Employee development
- Data-driven hiring
Pricing – The pricing for this talent management software starts from $499 per month.
10. HireVue
This talent assessment software combines organizational psychology, AI, and data science, to develop assessments that identify the critical competencies for every role. Using the data, the talent assessment tool creates game-based, psychometric pre-hire tests to measure a candidate’s cultural fit within an organization.
- HireVue offers a simple and intuitive UI/UX
- Efficiently screens numerous applications within a short period of time
- Offers auto-scored coding assessments
11. Cangrade
This is a fast, data-backed talent management that offers short assessments and comprehensively analyzes the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses within a few minutes. The results are delivered through a color-coded, ranked dashboard, that helps you identify top talent quickly. This is an ADA-compliant tool that eliminates any subjective bias from your recruiting process.
- Offers LMS, ATS, and HRIS software integrations
- Offers relevant interview questions tailored to each candidate
Pricing – Available on request
12. The Predictive Index
This tool elevates the recruiting process through assessments that are backed by more than 60 years of behavioral science. These behavioral insights provide a deep understanding of a candidate’s demeanor and attract talent that aligns with business objectives. This talent assessment platform also offers interview guides based on the profile of each candidate and helps you craft questions for interview sessions.
- Easy to understand visual representation of assessment results
- Provides insights into how the candidate will perform in critical areas
Pricing – Details are available on request
13. TestGorilla
TestGorilla is an intuitive talent assessment solution that offers top-notch tools to evaluate candidate skills and expedite the talent acquisition process. With a library of 315 scientifically validated tests, the platform helps you assess job applicants on various skills.
- Simple and intuitive interface that helps recruiters create and share assessments
- Offers in-depth reports of the candidate’s overall assessment performance and personality
- Implemented several anti-cheating measures
Pricing – The pricing plan starts at $26 per month
14. eSkill
eSkill aids you in selecting exceptional candidates through its comprehensive job analysis functionalities. These tools perform deep analysis of the job and offer insights into skills, qualifications, and behavior to look for in a candidate. Based on these observations, the platform formulates customizable assessments that effortlessly identify the candidate’s behavioral and intellectual characteristics.
- Offers customized simulations that accurately emulate real work environments
- Recruiters can sustainably reduce the time and cost of recruiting
Pricing – The pricing is available on request
15. Prevue
This talent management tool eliminates the guesswork from the hiring process. Prevue makes use of ultra-targeted questions to measure candidate’s dispositions, aptitudes, and characteristics. In addition to science-backed behavioral assessments, Prevue offers video interviews, auto-scored coding tasks, and real-world simulations for every role. This talent assessment tool also generates comprehensive reports that encapsulate accurate candidate insights in written and visual formats.
- Recruiters can customize assessments as per organizational needs
- Particularly advantageous for recruiting top management positions
Pricing – The pricing quote is available on request.
Final Thoughts
The hiring process is not only about filling open positions or roles within the organization, it is about taking in skilled and competent candidates and weaving them seamlessly into the culture of the organization. Successful hiring improves retention rates and brings down attrition rates.
A talent assessment tool is an integral part of successful hiring. Using the right talent assessment solution is key to efficient and successful hiring. An AI-powered talent assessment software like Skillrobo simplifies and accelerates the hiring process.
Skillrobo provides deep data-driven insights into the skills and competencies of the candidate, and whether they are a match for the position. Ready to explore the next level of talent assessment and management? Sign up for Skillrobo now!
Table of content
- Top 15 Talent Assessment Tools that will Step Up your Hiring Strategy for 2024
- Components of Talent Assessment
- Types of Talent Assessment
- Need for Talent Assessment Tools
- What are Talent Assessment Tools?
- Implementing a Talent Assessment Framework
- Ways to Leverage Talent Assessment Tools
- Advantages of Using Talent Assessment Tools
- How to Choose the Best Talent Assessment Solution
- Top 15 Talent Assessment Software for 2024
- Final Thoughts